“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
Welcome to the last of this 21-Day Journey!
We were worthy before day one, and are worthy now.
Hopefully we are now more intimate with our inherent worth. Perhaps we realized something along the way – a limiting belief we can let go of, a pattern to be aware of, or an area of our life that we hadn’t found worth in before.
We took inventory. We cleared space. We took care of our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional selves. We gained tools. We got to know ourselves better. We rested. We Pursued peace, joy, and beauty. We have reflected and set intentions. Now we CELEBRATE.
We have only brushed the surface over the last 21 days. There are so many more resources, encouraging words, tools, tricks, ideas, and moments to delve deeper into our worth. Explore them!
It is my hope for each of us that we continue to discover, with vigor, what fucking miracles we are.
I hope you can give yourself so much grace, so much love, and so much patience. If you can’t do it for yourself (although I hope you can!) do it for everyone around you whose lives you touch every day, whether you know it or not.
I have tears in my eyes writing this because the human experience is SO. DAMN. HARD.
It is SO hard being a human in planet earth life school. It is so hard and yet SO, SO beautiful and incredible and amazing and miraculous. It might not always FEEL like butterflies and rainbows but actual butterflies and rainbows EXIST so if you needed proof – there it is.
Albert Einstein told us: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
I am choosing to look at life as though everything is a miracle. Join me?
The only action item today is to CELEBRATE. Treat yourself in whatever way you’d like and really take the time to appreciate and enjoy who you are and how far you have come.
You are worthy of celebration, each and every day, always. (: